Monday, September 8, 2008


Calculus = Death

Anyone who really knows me knows that I hate math with a passion!!! I'm sure just because of this fierce hatred, I am required to take a CALCULUS class for my Hospitality Management Major. Go figure! I have officially been in this class for a week and a half, and I am already certain that I'm going to die. So...the million dollar question is, "how am I ever going to survive?" No, I'm not just asking a rhetorical question. Really, please tell me how I am ever going to survive!

Along with this class that I now call "DEATH," I am also taking Hospitality Law and Global Tourism. If I can just handle my law professor's chipmunk teeth, and my tourism professor's deep Asian accent, I think I will survive these other two classes. Maybe.

If I do die however, know that I love you all! And Wendy, I am leaving my blog to you.

To Death, Kim


Miss Mel said...

1 + 1 = 2

That's about all I can help you with! Good luck

P.S. Good person to leave a blog to... She might be busy writing her book though ;)

Leslie said...

Hey girl,
I can not even help Justin with his 9th grade math, it is so pitiful! I feel for you girl but I KNOW you can do it, one day at a time!!
Love ya