Thursday, June 4, 2009


Well, Grandma has fallen again and this time has fractured her back. She was home less than three weeks after recovering from her previous fall when she broke her upper arm/shoulder. I don't know why she has to go through all she does, but she is now back in Stonehenge of Orem to rehabilitate and get the physical therapy she needs. We are pretty discouraged, but will work through this just like the last day at a time. I pray she heals quickly and is able to come home soon. Love you Grandma!!!


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Grandma!! We will keep her in our prayers too! I hope she will be back home soon and I hope she can stay home this time! Take Care up there.

Leslie said...

Great Picture! We are keeping Grandma in our prayers that she will heal quickly. We are grateful for Stonehenge of Orem. One day at a time is the only way. We love you Grandma, Karen and Kim!!! Take Care:)

Nick and Emily said...

i'm sorry to hear that kim.

Just be...... said...

So sorry to hear that about Aunt Dee.Gee's one thing after another.Maybe we should just have a mini reunion down there.Tell her we're praying for her.

Grams said...

Sorry to hear about Dee's latest fall. I really want to communicate with you on e-mail, but don't know your address. Joy or others in the ward can give you mine, so write first.

Love, Joyce